Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heisey Glass 36th Annual Auction and I made it!

The National Heisey Glass Museum is owned and operated by the Heisey Collectors of America (HCA). Located in downtown Newark, Ohio, it is always worth a trip to see over 4,500 pieces of glassware produced by the A.H. Heisey Company between 1896-1957.

Each year the HCA gathers glass from donation and it’s collections for a spectacular auction which is a major fund raiser for the museum. Yearly I would make plans and marked the date, but my hopes to attend were annually crushed due to with family obligations.

This was the 36th year and I again, I was determined to attend. I put out the word to friends & family, and had partial success. I could attend Friday, April 17th ~ Hurray!

When I walked into the room, I was flabbergasted by the tables of glass, all beautifully organized, numbered and ready for new homes. The HCA membership were friendly folks, and more than willing to talk about their collections and favorite pieces. This was a well run auction!

I had a fantastic day and I was able to purchase over 100 beautiful pieces of Heisey Glass and will be listing them over the next couple of weeks. My favorite is this beautiful Thumprint & Angle hair receiver with silver lid. Stop by my store daily to see more great Heisey treasures as they are listed. I am having such fun just looking at the glass! ~~ Have a Blessed day!